Full Body Movements

There are many different variations of this move. I am ok with whatever you are comfortable with. Just make sure their core is engaged, they have a slight bend in their knee, their weight isn’t too ...
1. Stand holding a kettlebell in one hand in front of your body with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Keeping your back flat and chest up, push your hips back letting the kettlebell swing between ...
Lots of ways to attempt this. You can start in the 'hang' position, and power the weight up from there, rather than from the 'power' (floor) position. You can take out the squat and simply focus on th...
Can use kettlebell or dumbbell. You an also speed up the movement to increase heart rate. Lastly, you can stay a little lower, rather than coming all the way back up to the top, to keep more tension i...
Double arm. Can use Dumbbells or kettlebells.
Bend at the hip and knees lower the kettlebell down. Using the legs to rapidly lift the kettlebell to shoulder level and punch up.
Instead of just holding a weight in front, make it intentional by engaging obliques and turning/twisting as you land towards the foot you landed on. Take our the jump/hop for a modification to sti...
Like a regular bear crawl, the goal is to keep your core engage, booty down, and spine/back parallel to the ground.
Can be walking or in place.
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Created By Shannon Newbold

Nutritionist or Dietitian, Personal Trainer

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This workout is the product of the trainer who created it. IDEA and Athletes' Performance, Inc. are not responsible nor endorse the efficacy of this program or the appropriate use of the exercises held within.